Thursday, September 5, 2013

That time of year

Well it has started..... Fall is around the corner, football season is here. We were up today at 430 to get ready for practice. Yes you read that right, he had to be on the field at 530 today. YUCK!!!! Then there is my youngest who has joined Knowledge Bowl and has practice at 7 a.m. We may be starting a crazy crazy schedule, but we love every min of it. We are just waiting for bowling season to start to add one more activity to our life. :)

My husband has left for 6 weeks to start his medical discharge  from the military. I am not sure how I am feeling about this, as it is a hard thing for him to deal with right now. I pray every day that they will get it done quickly and he will find peace in our future.  One part of me is happy that he will not have to worry about deploying and will be able to stay home safe, but the other part of me feels so sad for him because he is feeing like he is losing out on so much. God does what he sees fit for us and this is the path that he is wanting our lives to go, so that is what I will accept.

I started decluttering the house this week and really want to get into my office so I can start crafting. I really need a professional organizer. I am missing my crafting and card making. I have baby, thank you and thinking of you cards to get done.